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Assalamuailakum!! Nama saya yatie...selamat datang ke web peribadi saya Hallo!! My name is yatie welcome to my personal web site! 
To live in love is to live in life, and to live in life is to live in love... |

On this Home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll introduce myself and talk about hobbies and intresting...check it out!!! Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail! yatib2@hotmail.com |
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Cendawan tekukur dimasak lemak Bunga selasih di atas batang badan lumpuh ku lalui semak kerana kasih hamba pun datang 
One of my favourite fruit...RAMBUTAN!!! |